Advanced Nightscout deployments

Too complicated? Not what you’re looking for?

Consider a hosted Nightscout service! Check for easier solutions here.

Building Nightscout DIY in a cloud platform

You can run your Nightscout site in several vendors platforms, using free or paid accounts.

We documented Heroku, Azure, Railway, Northflank and There are probably others, don’t hesitate to open an issue in the documentation with the easiest deployment method if you want to see them named here.

Building Nightscout DIY in a virtual server

You can run your Nightscout site in physical or virtual private servers, using free or paid accounts.
The original Nightscout project was also developed to run in Digital Ocean.

You can use step by step Linux commands or deploy with a simple scripted install.

Below is a list of some VPS. There are probably others, don’t hesitate to open an issue in the documentation with the easiest deployment method if you want to see them named here.

Google Cloud with a Scripted deployment (one command).
Oracle and extensive documentation (npm and Docker).
Amazon Web Service

Some common deployment methods:

Ubuntu commands.
Docker container.

Building Nightscout inside your NAS

Don’t buy a NAS device just for this, but if you already have one that’s worth a try!

You can host your Nightscout site in your Synology NAS.
You can also try with your QNAP NAS.

Building Nightscout with a Raspberry PI 4

If you own one, you can use it to host your Nightscout, see here.

Home Assistant Add-On for Nightscout

This add-on is a wrapper around nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor. It includes a Mongo Database which is used to store the uploaded values.

See here.