
Nightscout developers advice: not a good idea.

Use a Dynamic DNS

Either because running a VPS, Northflank or simply because you’d like an alternate name to your Nightscout page, you can use either you own DNS name or free services like those below.


Adding a free DNS service to your Nightscout setup increases the possibility of unexpected outage.
Paid DNS services are available at 1$ per month.


No-IP provides one free dynamic DNS hostname.


Using No-IP for free requires you to confirm your hostname every month.

  1. Sign up to No-IP. Do not create a Hostname yet.

  2. From the dashboard, in Dynamic DNS, No-IP hostnames click Create Hostname.

  3. Invent your Hostname and select a Domain in the Free Domain list. This will be the URL you will be able to browse from any computer to your Nightscout site.

  4. If you’re using a VPS or you know the IP address of your current Nightscout, select DNS Host (A) and enter it in IPv4 Address.

  5. Else, if you only know your current Nightscout site name, select DNS Alias (CNAME) and enter it in Target.

  6. Click Create Hostname bottom right.

You now can use this URL when accessing your Nightscout site, in any browser and also for your uploaders and followers.


  1. Sign up to Dynu.

  2. From the Control Panel, select DDNS Services.

  3. Invent your Host name and select a Top Level domain in the list. This will be the URL you will be able to browse from any computer to your Nightscout site.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Replace the proposed IP address in IPv4 Address by your own Nightscout IP, (you can disable IPv6 features) and click Save.

You now can use this URL when accessing your Nightscout site, in any browser and also for your uploaders and followers.


FreeDNS proposes thousands of free DNS names, with the issue that many are flagged as dangerous when you’ll want to browse them from your cellular or within public/private networks. You’ll find one that fits your needs but you might need several attempts.


Using FreeDNS for free requires you to login to confirm your account every six months.

  1. Sign up to FreeDNS. Enter all required information and click Send activation email.

  2. Check your inbox (search Spam if you don’t receive the email) and click on the activation link.

  3. Select Subdomains in the menu, then Add a subdomain.

  4. Invent your host name in Subdomain, select a domain name in the list (there are more than you can see) and put your Nightscout IP in the Destination field. Write the text in the image and click Save.

    Note: you might want to select a less popular name than those proposed by selecting Registry in the left menu (example below for us.to).

  5. You now can use this URL when accessing your Nightscout site, in any browser and also for your uploaders and followers.