# Nightscout in Northflank
```{admonition} Too complicated? Not what you're looking for? :class: seealso Consider a hosted Nightscout service! Check for easier solutions [here](/index.md#nightscout-as-a-service). ```
```{card} ## Northflank ![](/vendors/img/Northflank.png) ^^^ You can create your new Northflank Nightscout site with a [MongoDB Atlas](/vendors/mongodb/atlas) database or with its own [Northflank database](/vendors/northflank/database). **Pros**: * Nightscout fits in the free tier * Easy to deploy or migrate an existing site from Heroku * Simple to use and troubleshoot * Can use a native Northflank MongoDB database ($) **Cons**: * The Nightscout address generated for your site is impossible to remember ```
## Set up a new Nightscout ### Create your Northflank and GitHub accounts from a computer. ```{note} Do not change device/computer/browser during the setup process! If you have unexpected issues when creating your site, restart with another browser. ```
### Step 0: Create a database ```{note} Make sure you [created one](/nightscout/database) before starting your Nightscout web app creation with Northflank. Come back here when you have a MONGODB_URI connection string. ``` ```{admonition} Migrating? :class: tip Copy the connection string from your previous platform: [edit the variables](/nightscout/setup_variables.md#nightscout-configuration) and look for `MONGODB_URI`. If you don't see `MONGODB_URI` but see `MONGO_CONNECTION` (**NOT** `MONGO_COLLECTION`): use its value. ```
### Step 1: Create a GitHub account and fork the Nightscout project **Do you have a GitHub account?** ```{tab-set} :::{tab-item} I don't have a GitHub Account ### Create a GitHub account ::: {include} /vendors/github/create.md ::: :::{tab-item} I already have a GitHub Account ### Update your Nightscout fork :::{include} /vendors/github/update_b.md ::: ```
### Step 2: Create a Northflank account a) Sign-up to [Northflank](https://app.northflank.com/signup) in a new browser tab. Login with GitHub (click on the logo).
b) Confirm your GitHub account if required.
c) Select `Only select repositories`, in the drop-down list select `cgm-remote-monitor` then click `Install & Authorize`.
c) Enter a user name, your email address and invent a password (type it twice to confirm). Accept the TOS and Privacy Policy then click `Continue `.
d) Click `Choose theme`.
e) Select `Skip for now`.
f) Select `Create free project`.
g) Enter a project name (for example nightscout) and select a region (you can make it geographically close to where you live) then click `Create project`.
### Step 3: Deploy Nightscout in Northflank **What are you trying to do now?** ```{tab-set} :::{tab-item} I want to create a brand new Nightscout :::{include} new_user_a.md ::: :::{tab-item} I want to migrate from Heroku :::{include} migrate_a.md ::: ``` To open your Nightscout site, navigate to your project `Services` and click the address link top right.
**Good time to check you selected the right plan.** Make sure you selected the developer sandbox plan to avoid unexpected fees.
```{include} /nightscout/first_setup.md ```

## Change your Northflank Nightscout site name You [cannot](https://northflank.com/docs/v1/application/network/configure-ports#public-ports) override the default name if you don't have a DNS. You can use [TinyURL](https://tinyurl.com/) to get a shorter name. You can also use a free [dynamic DNS](/nightscout/dns) service to do this in order to have something easier to remember. Keep the original Northflank URL in your [uploaders](/uploader/setup/) and [followers](/nightscout/downloaders/).
------ You have completed a new Nightscout site creation. The following section provides more information for variables edition that you might not need to use now. ------
## Editing Variables in Northflank
a) Open [Northflank](https://app.northflank.com/login) and login with your username or with GitHub.
b) Select `Services ` then your Nightscout project.
c) Select `Environment` then `Edit`.
e) You can perform various operations on your variables: 1. Add a new variable with `+ Add Variable` 2. Edit variables values directly in the table 3. Delete a variable with the bin icon ~~~{note} Multiple lines values should be typed with `\n` separating each original line.

``` ----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGTAgEAMBMGBygGSM49AwEHBHkwdwIBAQQg7c8w00t5ju7N980r\nerN8N+isnJoec+ohIEuD0teRbPmgCgYIKoZIzj0DAQehRANCAAREnRISLSiFgdn4\nLbf44yIKspXKr7GpPBVshv3ShOms2qHTdAFriXXRPmbq7eAJuFrxpYOduU1dl9vo\nouciW0je\n-----END PRIVATE KEY----- ``` ~~~ Don't forget to `Update & restart` when you're done editing.