# Northflank Database
```{admonition} Too complicated? Not what you're looking for? :class: seealso Consider a hosted Nightscout service! Check for easier solutions [here](/index.md#nightscout-as-a-service). ```
```{card} ## Northflank Mongo Database ![Northflank](/vendors/img/Northflank.png) ![MongoDB](/vendors/img/MongoDB.png) ^^^ Northflank offers a Mongo database. **Pros**: * Simple to create * Economic reliable database * High quality Mongo database with a replica set **Cons**: * Billing starts at 0.3$ plus 0.3$ per additional GiB (it can take years to reach 1GiB for Nightscout) ```
If you already have a Northflank account, [log in](https://app.northflank.com/login) and [continue (skip new account creation)](#create-your-database). **Else** ## Create an account with Northflank a) Sign-up to [Northflank](https://app.northflank.com/signup) in a new browser tab. Fill all required fields and `Sign up`. You can also sign up with Google, GitHub, ... if you wish.
Northflank will send you an email to complete the registration.
b) Open your email and confirm with `Verify email`.
c) Click `Choose theme`.
d) Select `Skip for now`.
e) Click `Create free project`
f) Invent a project name (`nightscout` for example) and select a region (Europe or US) then click `Create project`

## Create your database ```{admonition} Costs :class: warning * The Mongo database is free, you only pay for the storage * Minimum price is 0.3$/month, cost is then 0.3$/GiB/month * A good database is important for your Nightscout site reliability ```
a) Open a new browser page [https://northflank.com/dbaas/mongodb-on-northflank](https://northflank.com/dbaas/mongodb-on-northflank) and click `Deploy MongoDB on Northflank for free`
b) Select your account and your project name (see below if you don't have one yet).
If you don't have a project in Northflank, create a new one with `Create project` and then select `Create free project` else skip to **c)**. Invent a project name (`nightscout` for example) and select a region (Europe or US) then click `Create project`
c) Select `Deploy addons`.
d) Select `MongoDB` and type a name for your addon (not important) in `Addon name`.
e) The database add-on configuration displays, scroll down. *Note: if you know what you're doing, all Mongo versions are supported by Nightscout: you can select the one you prefer.* **Important:** If you will use this database with a Nightscout that is not in Northflank, you must enable `Publicly accessible`. If you will deploy Nightscout in Northflank, you can leave it disabled.
f) Select `Create addon`
g) If you haven't yet, you need to add a payment method into Northflank. You will be charged monthly for your database (0.3$ up to 1 GiB, then 0.3$/GiB).
g) Enter your password and click `Confirm` to see your MongoDB information.
h) Click the copy icon of the line `MONGO_SRV`.
```{admonition} This is an important information :class: warning Now that you have **copied** the resulting `MONGODB_URI` string, keep it in a **safe place**, you will need it later. ```
i) Wait until your database is fully created. It might take some time.