# MongoDB Atlas Database
```{admonition} Too complicated? Not what you're looking for? :class: seealso Consider a hosted Nightscout service! Check for easier solutions [here](/index.md#nightscout-as-a-service). ```
```{card} ## MongoDB Atlas Database ![MongoDB Atlas](/vendors/img/Atlas.png) ^^^ MongoDB bought [mLab](https://twitter.com/chrisckchang/status/506959446753284096) in 2018 and shutdown its service in 2020. Most users migrated to MongoDB Atlas, using a free M0 database with a limited 512MB capacity. Leaving the database grow uncontrolled usually leads to a Nightscout crash. **Pros**: * The M0 cluster is free * Nightscout was adapted to MongoDB Atlas **Cons**: * M0 clusters are designed for learning and testing, not production * There is no warranty the M0 cluster will remain in the future * A larger M2 cluster costs 9$ per month (consider hosted Nightscout) * A full M0 database crashes Nightscout, this is a common issue for DIY closed loop system users ```
```{note} MongoDB Atlas regularly changes the site aspect. If you encounter a page not matching this documentation search for keywords like `not now`, `skip` or `later` to continue. Report discrepancies [here](https://github.com/nightscout/nightscout.github.io/issues/new). ```
## Create an Atlas database a) Open a browser tab at: [https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register](https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register) b) Enter your information, click `Continue` then `Create account`
MongoDB Atlas will send you an email, if you don't receive it check your Spam folder.
In the email you received from **MongoDB Atlas** (mongodb-atlas @ mongodb.com), click on `Verify email`
Another browser tab will open with your confirmed MongoDB account, `Continue`.
Enter some information (like below) and click `Finish`.
c) Select `Create a cluster in Shared Clusters (FREE)` ```{admonition} If you ever see this, just STOP :class: danger We're building a free cluster: you don't need to provide any billing information. ```
d) Check you selected `Shared`, leave all default values and click `Create Cluster`
e) Select `Username and Password` and invent a database username (for example `nightscout`) and a database password (for example `soo5ecret` but please make one that's yours!). ```{admonition} Database credentials :class: warning Do not use your Atlas **account** credentials. Do not use special characters: only letters and numbers. No spaces. ``` Write down the password in the line below (yes, in this browser window you're reading now, unless you're reading a printed version). You’ll need it later. | Database password (write here ->) | | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Then click `Create User`. f) Select `My Local Environment` and in the box `My IP address` write `` (mind these are all zeroes, not the letter O) ```{warning} If you don't allow access from anywhere (IP Nightscout will not be able to access your database." ``` Then click `Add Entry`.
g) Click on `Finish and Close`
h) Click on `Go to Databases`
i) Atlas will create your default cluster, it can take more than 3 minutes
j) Click on `CONNECT`
k) If displayed, click on `Choose a connection method` (else skip)
l) Select `Drivers`
m) Scroll down (do not change any value) and copy the connection string: click `Copy` and paste it somewhere to edit it (like Notepad).
n) Paste the string in the line below (yes, in this browser window you're reading now, unless you're reading a printed version). (paste here ->)
```{hint} It should be similar to this (`xxxxx` will be different): `mongodb+srv://nightscout:@cluster0.xxxxx.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority` ```
o) (Optional) Invent a name for your database, this is not a critical information (for example `myCGMitc`). Only letters and numbers, no spaces. | Database Name (write here ->) | | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
p) Click on the button `Generate` (just here below this line: in this browser window you're reading):

The connection string will appear here

```{warning} Keep this string safely aside, it is called your `MONGODB_URI` ```
p) If you want to do it manually: replace `` with your database password as noted previously (in the example below `soo5ecret`) and `` by any text you want, say `mycgmic` for example. The result will be like this: `mongodb+srv://nightscout:soo5ecret@cluster0.xxxxx.mongodb.net/myCGMitc?retryWrites=true&w=majority` ```{hint} **There should be NO `<` and NO `>` characters in the final string, neither for password nor for database name.** ```
You have completed a MongoDB Atlas database creation. Now that you have **copied** the resulting `MONGODB_URI` string to a **safe place**, go back to the instructions page you were following.