# Troubleshoot Railway
## Nothing here
```{warning} The free plan has been removed Jul 3rd for new users and Aug 1st for existing users. ```
It has been running fine for the first 200/500 hours and now it's gone. Even the project disappeared in Railway. This is usually because you need a Developer plan to run your Nightscout app in Railway.
## Restart your app a) Open the [Railway Dashboard](https://railway.app/dashboard) and select your project then your app.
b) In your `web` deployments select the current one (top of the list) and in the three dots menu on the right, `Restart`.
b) Confirm Restart. Wait a moment and check your Nightscout site state clicking the URL. If your site crashes again shortly after, verify your [database is not full](/troubleshoot/atlas.md#database-full) if you use MongoDB Atlas.
## Reconnect GitHub to your project a) Open [Railway](https://railway.app) and click `login`. Login with GitHub.
b) Select your Nightscout project.
c) Select your web app.
d) Select `Settings` and scroll down to `Service`. Disconnect your `Source Repo` with the cross at the end of the line.
e) Confirm `Disconnect`.
f) Select `Connect Repo`. You should be able to select your GitHub `cgm-remote-monitor` repository. You have now successfully reconnected your GitHub project to Railway. If your GitHub repository `cgm-remote-monitor` was changed (updated for example), your Railway app will automatically redeploy. If you don't see the picture above: continue below.
g) If you redeployed (deleted and recreated) `cgm-remote-monitor` in GitHub select `Configure GitHub app`.
h) Select your GitHub account.
i) Click `Only Select repositories` and from the `Select Repositories button` choose your `cgm-remote-monitor` Nightscout project. Click then `Install & Authorize`. You have now successfully reconnected your GitHub project to Railway. If your GitHub repository `cgm-remote-monitor` was changed (updated for example), your Railway app will automatically redeploy.
## Cleanup After several deployment attempts your Railway account might show more than one app. Since there is a 5$ limit to hobby plan before increased billing, depending on how you use it, it is important to make sure you don't have useless apps wasting CPU time and memory. Open [Railway](https://railway.app) and click `login`. Login with GitHub.
If you see more than one (or two if you have a local database) projects on your dashboard, you should delete those unused.
### Empty projects You can safely delete empty projects (in red in the picture above). Select your project then click on `Settings`.
Click on `Danger`.
Then `Delete project`.
Copy and paste the project name in the box below and click `Delete`.
### Databases Before deleting a database you need to check it's empty. Click twice on the database project and select `Data`. This example below is not an empty database. You need to check it's not being used by Nightscout before deleting it. You can see data inside: `profile`, `devicestatus`, etc...
This example below is empty, you can safely delete it (like shown above for an empty project). There is no data inside this database. When you pull down the `Database tab`, there is only `test` and it's empty.