# Troubleshoot Fly.io
```{warning} The web terminal feature was removed from Fly.io. You need a computer with flyctl. ``` Follow [these instructions](https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/) to install `flyctl` on your computer. You also need to [install git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) if you're using a Windows computer. *Note for Windows: you might experience issues with Git Bash or PowerShell, try an elevated command prompt.*

## Restart your app Follow [these instructions](https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/) to install `flyctl` on your computer. *Note for Windows: you might experience issues with Git Bash or PowerShell, try an elevated command prompt.* - Log in Fly.io: `flyctl auth login` - Verify your Nightscout app name `flyctl app list` - Restart your app (replace `example-ns` by the name of your Nightscout app in Fly.io) `flyctl machine restart --app example-ns`
(recover-fly-toml)= ## Recover `fly.toml` Follow [these instructions](https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/) to install `flyctl` on your computer. *Note for Windows: you might experience issues with Git Bash or PowerShell, try an elevated command prompt.* - Log in Fly.io: `flyctl auth login` - Verify your Nightscout app name `flyctl app list` - Copy your Nightscout app (replace `example-ns` with your own) configuration file `fly.toml`. `flyctl config save --app example-ns` - Keep this file in a safe place as you'll need it to redeploy or upgrade your Nightscout.
## Cleanup After several failed attempts to deploy or migrate, you might need to delete some apps. Log into Fly.io [https://fly.io/app/sign-in](https://fly.io/app/sign-in) (GitHub recommended) In normal running condition you will see only two apps on your dashboard: The first one is your Nightscout site and the second one the builder (necessary). If you used the migration wizard you will see another builder (three apps).
Clicking on your site you will see if it's healthy and running. This is where you go to open your site.
### Delete an app Select an app from the dashboard. Then click `Settings`. Click `Delete app`. Confirm copying the app name below, then click `Yes, delete it`. You have deleted your app. If you delete the builder (like in the picture above) you won't be able to deploy anymore.
### Delete your local repository #### If you deployed with your own computer. ```{warning} Make a backup of the `fly.toml` file present in the `cgm-remote-monitor` folder! This is essential to make your site maintainable! ``` You can delete the `cgm-remote-monitor` folder on your computer and fork it again. Exit the folder before deleting it, in task manager end the `flyctl.exe` task. #### If you deployed from the web terminal. You don't have a local repository.
## Downscale your app Follow [these instructions](https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/) to install `flyctl` on your computer. *Note for Windows: you might experience issues with Git Bash or PowerShell, try an elevated command prompt.*
March 31st 2023, apps deploy in V2 and V1 apps are automatically migrated too. This causes some issues as V2 automatically deploys in a more than one machine, your Nightscout site might not work correctly. Type the following command in the terminal (replace ***`example-ns`*** with your own app name): - Authenticate in Fly.io: `flyctl auth login` - Verify your Nightscout app name `flyctl app list` - Downscale your app: `flyctl scale --app `***`example-ns`***` count 1` - Your app should now only be running on one machine. Check [here](https://fly.io/dashboard/personal/machines). ***Note:*** *the builder app is normal, it is stopped: don't worry about it.*
## Obtain a free shared IP Follow [these instructions](https://fly.io/docs/hands-on/install-flyctl/) to install `flyctl` on your computer. *Note for Windows: you might experience issues with Git Bash or PowerShell, try an elevated command prompt.*
Apps migrated from Heroku will use a dedicated IP billed $1.90/month. If you want to run your Nightscout site in Fly.io for free, you will need to release the IP and request a shared IP. Follow the instructions below. The IP `` and the site name `example-ns` are examples, yours will be different. Use your own IP and site name. Open a browser and authenticate: `flyctl auth login` List the apps to see the name of your Nightscout project: `flyctl app list` ``` NAME OWNER STATUS PLATFORM LATEST DEPLOY example-ns personal deployed machines 2023-05-26T07:24:51Z ``` List the IPs used by your app (replace *`example-ns`* by your own): `flyctl ips list -a example-ns` ``` VERSION IP TYPE REGION CREATED AT v4 public global 2022-09-13T14:17:58Z v6 3b09:8280:1::3:723c public global 2022-09-13T14:18:00Z ``` Release the dedicated IP you found above (example: `flyctl ips release -a example-ns` ``` Released from example-ns ``` Assign a shared IP to your Nightscout site: `flyctl ips allocate-v4 --shared -a example-ns` ``` v4 shared global ``` You do not need to remember your new IP, just continue using your site name as before: https://yoursitename.fly.dev
## Migrate from Heroku Log into Heroku. - Write down your Nightscout app name from the [dashboard](https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps). - Get your **API Key** from your [account settings](https://dashboard.heroku.com/account). Do not share it publicly. Look into [this list](https://fly.io/docs/reference/regions/) and find a free region close to where you live. This is a 3 letters code, for example `ams`. Open a terminal or an elevated command prompt. *Note for Windows: you might experience issues with Git Bash or PowerShell, try an elevated command prompt.* - Log in Fly.io: `flyctl auth login` - Replace `example-ns` with your Nightscout app from Heroku, `API-Key` with your Heroku API Key and `xxx` with the region you selected. `flyctl turboku example-ns API-Key --region xxx` - Your Heroku app will deploy in Fly.io. Wait until deployment completes. - You'll see the name of your new Nightscout site with Fly.io. ``` Finished launching new machines ------- ✔ Machine 784e290f461048 [app] update finished: success ------- Visit your newly deployed app at https://example-ns.fly.dev/ ``` - Downscale the app, confirm when requested. `flyctl scale --app example-ns count 1` - Turn your Heroku site off (the switch `web node lib/server/server.js`) and check your new Fly.io Nightscout is running. - Log into Fly.io, [select your app](https://fly.io/apps) and verify it's using a share V4 IP, release the V6 IP.
```{warning} Make a backup of your fly.toml! This is essential to make your site maintainable! ``` - Fly deployment created a folder with your app name, you'll find your `fly.toml` file inside. This file is all what you need to redeploy your project. You will need it to upgrade your Nightscout site or redeploy it. ```{warning} Make a [backup of your Heroku variables](/troubleshoot/heroku.md#backup-your-site-variables)! Fly.io will store then as secrets and you won't be able to read them! ```