# Help me choose ## Welcome to the Nightscout new user wizard. This set of questions will hopefully help choose the best solution for you, or at least give you hints on where to start. ```{hint} *This wizard is thought for one Nightscout site (one patient with diabetes). If you need more Nightscout sites you might need more accounts. Some hosted providers provide discounts, T1Pal support up to 5 patients per subscription.* ```
| I want to contribute to Nightscout research and development.
| | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | **What is the maximum acceptable cost per month per site?**
| | **How much of an issue is it when Nightscout is down?**
| | **How much time are you ready to spend on creating and maintaining it?**
Now click SHOW below to validate your choices. If you change any option above, validate again to update.

```{card} ### **Database options** ^^^


``` ```{card} ### **Nightscout options** ^^^


``` Made you mind? Have a look at your options: ## Hosted [T1Pal](/index.md#t1pal) [NS10BE](/index.md#ns10be) [Nightscout Pro](/index.md#nightscout-pro) [Serendipity Bio](/index.md#serendipity-bio) ## Database [MongoDB Atlas](/vendors/mongodb/atlas.md) [Railway Mongo Database](/vendors/railway/database.md) [Northflank Mongo Database](/vendors/northflank/database.md) VPS Mongo Database ## Provider [Heroku Eco plan](/vendors/heroku/new_user.md) [Railway](/vendors/railway/new_user.md) [Northflank](/vendors/northflank/new_user.md) [Fly.io](/vendors/fly.io/new_user.md) [Azure](/vendors/azure/new_user.md) [Render](/vendors/render/new_user.md) ## VPS [Google Cloud](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Nightscout/GoogleCloud.html) [Oracle Cloud](https://www.dropbox.com/s/5twlqrndofqno0t/0-amber-oracle.pdf) [Advanced DIY](/nightscout/advanced)