# Choose your platform ```{admonition} Too complicated? Not what you're looking for? :class: seealso Consider a hosted Nightscout service! Check for easier solutions [here](/index.md#nightscout-as-a-service). ```
Various platforms are available to host your Nightscout site in the cloud. ```{warning} **Creating a [database](/nightscout/database) is mandatory if you want to use: Heroku, Railway, Northflank, Fly.io or Azure.** Make sure you have one before creating a Nightscout web app in these platforms. ``` Find a list of commonly used hosting services below, decide which one you'll want to use.
```{card} ## Heroku ![Heroku Eco](/vendors/img/Heroku.png) ^^^ Since the [beginning](https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor/pull/98) Heroku has been a very popular platform for Nightscout. Most of the documentation was based on a Heroku Nightscout. On August 25th 2022, Salesforce decided to [drop the free plan](https://blog.heroku.com/next-chapter). You can [create your new Nightscout site with Heroku](/vendors/heroku/new_user) using an [Eco plan](https://www.heroku.com/pricing) (5$/month). **Pros**: * Large platform with a reliable history * Well documented, well known by the community **Cons**: * The Eco plan has the same limitations than the previous Free plan, for 5$ per month * For a Nightscout site a 7$ per month Basic plan is not really worth it (compared to hosted solutions) * **Doesn't include a database** +++ Follow [these instructions](/vendors/heroku/new_user.md) to build your Nightscout site in Heroku. ``` ```{card} ## Azure ![Azure](/vendors/img/Azure.png) ^^^ Nightscout DIY was [originally](https://github.com/rnpenguin/cgm-remote-monitor) created with Azure but most users dropped it after costs increased. A new deployment method fitting in the [free tier](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/free-services) has [been created using a Docker container](/vendors/azure/new_user). **Pros**: * Large platform with a reliable history * Well known by the community IT specialists * Using a basic plan and free services keep it free **Cons**: * Trial account lasts maximum 12 months * Basic plan and pay as you go is free if you stay within quotas * The F1 free app service plan is designed for testing, not production * **The Cosmos database doesn't integrate correctly with Nightscout** +++ Follow [these instructions](/vendors/azure/new_user.md) to build your Nightscout site in Azure. ``` ```{card} ## Railway.app ![Railway](/vendors/img/Railway.png) ^^^ You can easily create a new Railway Nightscout site with a MongoDB Atlas or a Railway MongoDB database. The [Hobby plan](https://railway.app/pricing) (5$ per month) allows one Nightscout site and a small database. **Pros**: * Easy to deploy or migrate an existing site from Heroku (but not worth it without free tier) * Simple to use and troubleshoot * Can use a reliable native Railway MongoDB database, the cost will add-up within the subscription ($) **Cons**: * The free tier has been removed, only active developers can have 5$ credit per month * Your GitHub account must have been created more than 3 months ago * The railway.app domain is blocked for safety by some companies * Railway network model causes issues with some follower app and devices +++ Follow [these instructions](/vendors/railway/new_user.md) to build your Nightscout site in Railway. ``` ```{card} ## Northflank ![](/vendors/img/Northflank.png) ^^^ You can create your new [free](https://northflank.com/pricing) Northflank Nightscout site, with its own Northflank database or with a MongoDB Atlas database. **Pros**: * Nightscout fits in the free tier * Easy to deploy or migrate an existing site from Heroku * Simple to use and troubleshoot * Can use a professional native Northflank MongoDB database ($) **Cons**: * The Nightscout address generated for your site is impossible to remember +++ Follow [these instructions](/vendors/northflank/new_user.md) to build your Nightscout site in Northflank. ``` ```{card} ## Fly.io ![Fly.io](/vendors/img/Fly.io.png) ^^^ Fly.io proposed a simple migration wizard from Heroku and you can create your new Nightscout site in Fly.io. Using a computer is mandatory with Fly.io as managing your site will require the use of a command line utility. Not recommended for beginners. **Pros**: * Nightscout fits in the free tier * Easy to migrate an existing site from Heroku **Cons**: * **Maintaining your site requires the use of command line instructions, not very intuitive** * **Doesn't include a database** +++ Follow [these instructions](/vendors/fly.io/new_user.md) to build your Nightscout site in Fly.io. ``` ```{card} ## Google Cloud ![xDrip+](/vendors/img/GoogleCloud.png) ^^^ A scripted Nightscout installation in Google Cloud is a new complete solution proposed by the xDrip+ developers team. Whilst deploying Nightscout manually in Ubuntu can be complex, their approach makes is rather simple for non-technical people. **Pros**: * Complete solution offering a large free database * A web interface to edit your variables * Tools provided to migrate the database from another platform * Virtually free (<5c/month) **Cons**: * Not available for free for Australia and Cina users * Relying on a free DNS provider +++ Follow [these instructions](https://navid200.github.io/xDrip/docs/Nightscout/GoogleCloud.html) to build your Nightscout site in Google Cloud. ``` ```{card} ## Render ![xDrip+](/vendors/img/Render.png) ^^^ A free solution with little experience. **Pros**: * No credit card required **Cons**: * The free plan doesn't guarantee any reliability * App will sleep after 15 minutes * Render URLs are considered unsafe by some internet providers * **Doesn't include a database** +++ Follow [these instructions](/vendors/render/new_user.md) to build your Nightscout site in Render. ```