# Easily deploy NightScout CGM Remote Monitor (https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor) # to Render (https://render.com) # ------------------------------ # 1. Fork https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor to your own GitHub account. # 2. Add a render.yaml file to the root of your forked repo, copy/paste the contents below # 3. Commit the new file (and push to GitHub) # 4. In Render, click "New +" > "Blueprint" # 5. Connect your own, forked cgm-remote-monitor repo # 6. Fill in required environment variables # 7. Click "Apply" and wait for the deploy to complete. services: - type: web name: nightscout env: node region: oregon # optional (defaults to oregon. Other regions: ohio, frankfurt, singapore) plan: free # optional (defaults to free - this a FREE PLAN, maybe... https://render.com/pricing) buildCommand: npm install startCommand: npm start healthCheckPath: / envVars: - key: INSECURE_USE_HTTP # TLS is terminated before reaching the app, so only needs to respond to HTTP. value: true - key: HOSTNAME # bind app to any internal IP value: "" - key: MONGODB_URI # The MongoDB Connection String to connect to your MongoDB cluster. If you don't have this from MongoDB Atlas, please re-read installation instructions at http://nightscout.github.io/nightscout/new_user/ before continuing sync: false # will be requested when Blueprint is created - key: ALARM_HIGH # Default setting for new browser views, for the High alarm (triggered when BG crosses BG_TARGET_TOP). ('on' or 'off') value: "on" - key: ALARM_LOW # Default setting for new browser views, for the Low alarm (triggered when BG crosses BG_TARGET_BOTTOM). ('on' or 'off') value: "on" - key: ALARM_TIMEAGO_URGENT # Default setting for new browser views, for an urgent alarm when CGM data hasn't been received in the number of minutes set in ALARM_TIMEAGO_URGENT_MINS. ('on' or 'off') value: "on" - key: ALARM_TIMEAGO_URGENT_MINS # Default setting for new browser views, for the number of minutes since the last CGM reading to trigger an ALARM_TIMEAGO_URGENT alarm. value: "30" - key: ALARM_TIMEAGO_WARN # Default setting for new browser views, for a warning alarm when CGM data hasn't been received in the number of minutes set in ALARM_TIMEAGO_WARN_MINS. ('on' or 'off') value: "on" - key: ALARM_TIMEAGO_WARN_MINS # Default setting for new browser views, for the number of minutes since the last CGM reading to trigger an ALARM_TIMEAGO_WARN alarm. value: "15" - key: ALARM_TYPES # 'simple' and/or 'predict'. Simple alarms trigger when BG crosses the various thresholds set below. Predict alarms use a formula that forecasts where the BG is going based on its trend. You will *not* get warnings when crossing the BG thresholds set below when using the predict type. value: "simple" - key: ALARM_URGENT_HIGH # Default setting for new browser views, for the Urgent High alarm (triggered when BG crosses BG_HIGH). ('on' or 'off') value: "on" - key: ALARM_URGENT_LOW # Default setting for new browser views, for the Urgent Low alarm (triggered when BG crosses BG_LOW). ('on' or 'off') value: "on" - key: API_SECRET # A passphrase that must be at least 12 characters long. Avoid 'special' characters, which can cause problems in some cases. sync: false # will be requested when Blueprint is created - key: BG_HIGH # Urgent High BG threshold, triggers the ALARM_URGENT_HIGH alarm. Set in mg/dL or mmol/L, as set in DISPLAY_UNITS variable. value: "260" - key: BG_LOW # Urgent Low BG threshold, triggers the ALARM_URGENT_LOW alarm. Set in mg/dL or mmol/L, as set in DISPLAY_UNITS variable. value: "55" - key: BG_TARGET_BOTTOM # Low BG threshold, triggers the ALARM_LOW alarm. Set in mg/dL or mmol/L, as set in DISPLAY_UNITS variable. value: "80" - key: BG_TARGET_TOP # High BG threshold, triggers the ALARM_HIGH alarm. Set in mg/dL or mmol/L, as set in DISPLAY_UNITS variable. value: "180" - key: BOLUS_RENDER_OVER # U value over which the bolus values are rendered on the chart if the 'x U and Over' option is selected. value: "1" - key: BRIDGE_PASSWORD # Your Dexcom account password, to receive CGM data from the Dexcom Share service. Also make sure to include 'bridge' in your ENABLE line. value: "password" - key: BRIDGE_SERVER # If you are bridging from the Dexcom Share service, and are anywhere *outside* the US, change this to EU. ('US' or 'EU') value: "EU" - key: BRIDGE_USER_NAME # Your Dexcom account username, to receive CGM data from the Dexcom Share service. Also make sure to include 'bridge' in your ENABLE line. value: "username" - key: CUSTOM_TITLE # The display name for the Nightscout site. Appears in the upper left of the main view. Often set to the name of the CGM wearer. value: "" - key: DISPLAY_UNITS # Preferred BG units for the site: 'mg/dl' or 'mmol/L' (or just 'mmol'). sync: false # will be requested when Blueprint is created - key: ENABLE # Plugins to enable for your site. Must be a space-delimited, lower-case list. Include the word 'bridge' here if you are receiving data from the Dexcom Share service. Include 'mmconnect' if you are bridging from the MiniMed CareLink service. value: "careportal basal dbsize rawbg iob maker cob bwp cage iage sage boluscalc pushover treatmentnotify loop pump profile food openaps bage alexa override speech cors" - key: NIGHT_MODE # Default setting for new browser views, for whether Night Mode should be enabled. ('on' or 'off') value: "off" - key: SHOW_PLUGINS # Default setting for whether or not these plugins are checked (active) by default, not merely enabled. Include plugins here as in the ENABLE line; space-separated and lower-case. value: "careportal dbize" - key: SHOW_RAWBG # Default setting for new browser views, for the display of raw CGM data (if available). ('always', 'never', or 'noise') value: "never" - key: THEME # Default setting for new browser views, for the color theme of the CGM graph. ('default', 'colors', or 'colorblindfriendly') value: "colors" - key: TIME_FORMAT # Default setting for new browser views, for the time mode. ('12' or '24') value: "12"