Overview of Product Development =============================== Community based, social technical development --------------------------------------------- Nightscout begins +++++++++++++++++ As an open source project, the entire source code came into existence when people affected by type 1 diabetes with access to the best and safest therapy options found themselves unable to obtain therapy without any adverse events. In order to help monitor, communicate, and understand therapy, a few individuals created a data management system using commodity equipment allowing them to easily monitor the CGM without requiring physical access to the CGM receiver. Spurred by the improved family relationships and finding therapy easier to track, communicate, and manage, more and more people have added small improvements or helped others to gain liberties on their own. Many of these individuals cite "keeping their own children safe" as reasons for beginning their involvement with the project. As of July 1, 2014, a dozen or so like-minded individuals record all proposed changes in their own Github forks or Github branches dedicated to discussing improvements or changes to a code base that is in active use by several dozen individuals and families. After the community reviews and tests these proposals in a public audit called a "pull request," one of the core contributors accepts the changes into the "master" branch. This process of tracking, recording, and auditing work is sometimes called gitflow_. .. _gitflow: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ After the "master" branch has updated with changes relevant to the community, specially crafted pull requests allow tracking the exact git deltas necessary to bring another repository up to date with the community accepted versions. When community members report bugs, this tracking system allows developers to reproduce and co-ordinate fixes, in some cases specifically tailored to members' needs. .. raw:: pdf FrameBreak 50 For example, in one instance, a several individuals outside the U.S. needed displays in ``mmol/L`` vs ``mg/dL``. A group of interested members teamed up to work on special mmol/l versions. The member actually completed the required changes, sharing the needed deltas with the group. As a result, we were able to re-use these same git tracking methods to compare and issue updates specifically for these users needing mmol/l. Open source methodology +++++++++++++++++++++++ The development of Nightscout as an open source project follows a predictable development pattern to identify issues, incorporate bug fixes, as well as develop new features. The model, as discussed by Gabriel Coleman in `Coding Freedom`_ relies heavily on an open review process to share and distribute improvements. The Software Freedom Law Center, in `Transparent medical devices`_, also outlines the need for greater transparency in the operation of these medical devices. We encourage the FDA to adopt regulations that are consistent with the protections provided by open source methods, including `Linus's Law`_ to make all bugs shallow and accessible to those affected by them. In designing Nightscout, we try to adhere to the design principles outlined in `Unix philosophy`_ in order to ensure safe, predictable, and effective operation of the Nightscout rig. .. _Coding Freedom: http://codingfreedom.com/ .. _Transparent medical devices: http://www.softwarefreedom.org/resources/2010/transparent-medical-devices.pdf .. _Linus's Law: http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/homesteading/cathedral-bazaar/ar01s04.html .. _Unix philosophy: http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch01s06.html Known issues ++++++++++++ There are several proposed improvements and known issues. One key feature liberating people, and thus making them safer, is the ease of use that accompanies data being made accessible to other trusted individuals. While we will adopt optional controls for authorizing and accessing data, parents of this system value easily sharing data with a school nurse with minimum hassle; and adults using this system value easily sharing their data as well. Future plans ------------ The sponsors would like to discuss appropriate regulatory controls that protect open source authors' free speech as well as provides FDA with an appropriate framework to fulfill their mission. The sponsors passionately share the FDA's mission to protect and promote public safety, a key reason Nightscout development is done as a "public performance," and freely shared. Oversight +++++++++ Given the community's frustration with safety in available medical devices to manage type 1 diabetes therapy, we believe there are opportunities for open source authors and FDA to work together. One such opportunity is in post-market surveillance. We have developed an aggregation tool which redisplays, depersonalized, many Nightscout remote monitors in a single "spaghetti plot." We propose modifying the aggregating tool to automatically compile and submit reports to the FDA in order to aide in post market surveillance of devices used in diabetes therapy, and to generate useful research data on larger populations. Integration +++++++++++ In the interest of safety, we need a single display to contextually manage type 1 diabetes. We will add data transfer from Medtronic insulin pumps to obtain "treatment" data consisting of the bolus wizard and bolus records. Additionally, the display will automatically show both the treatment data, carbohydrates consumed, insulin, and carbohydrate ratio, from insulin pumps overlaid with glucose readings from the Dexcom CGM. In addition, we will also explore integrating with many other health, fitness, and nutrition APIs. We will follow up with additional premarket submissions as required to discuss further development efforts. See also, `decoding-carelink`_, and the pending `decoding-carelink pre-submission`_. .. _`decoding-carelink`: https://github.com/bewest/decoding-carelink .. _`decoding-carelink pre-submission`: http://medevice-users.github.io/decoding-presub/# .. raw:: pdf FrameBreak 100 Operational metadata ++++++++++++++++++++ We anticipate adding indicators showing the connectivity status of the uploader device, as well as battery status, and other operational details of the system. These details will help quickly assess validity of the data, and whether or not the system is working and trustworthy. Access controls +++++++++++++++ During development, the community has expressed an interest in developing access controls to help protect who can access displays. We anticipate development of "named views" which can be used to control who accesses the remote monitor website, as well as when and how. These views may optionally be protected by user name and password type of login system, or through creating unique and opaquely encoded tokens explicitly for sharing. We have found that the flexibility in sharing information in public outweighs the relative risks in the data being made public. As the community and software matures, we anticipate personalizing the access controls to meet the needs of its users. Support/Commercialization +++++++++++++++++++++++++ One criticism of open source is the lack of commercial support for individuals who lack the ability to safely assemble and operate their own rig. While the open source culture provides a large community able to train and offer support, the project remains accessible only to those with sufficient technical ability to assemble and debug their own equipment. We propose that the community would be safer if the public could buy assembled rigs on the market with support contracts to help ensure high quality operation for individuals lacking the time and effort. However, we are concerned that the current regulations considering this a "high risk" device prevents unprepared individuals from obtaining the help they need.