# Troubleshooting Nightscout
## Before troubleshooting 1. **Check your email (maybe you missed an important announcement)** 2. **Check your internet provider / SIM credit (can all devices browse internet?)** 3. **Try another browser/computer (if building your Nightscout site)**
## Overall third party services Check the services you're using are available | Vendor | Check here: | | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | **Dexcom**
Dexcom US account
Dexcom non-US account | [https://status.dexcom.com/](https://status.dexcom.com/)
[https://clarity.dexcom.eu/](https://clarity.dexcom.eu/) | | Carelink US account
Carelink non-US account | [https://carelink.minimed.com/](https://carelink.minimed.com/)
[https://carelink.minimed.eu/app/login](https://carelink.minimed.eu/app/login) | | GitHub | [https://www.githubstatus.com/](https://www.githubstatus.com/) | | Heroku | [https://status.heroku.com/](https://status.heroku.com/) | | Railway | [https://railway.instatus.com/](https://railway.instatus.com/) | | MongoDB Atlas | [https://status.cloud.mongodb.com/](https://status.cloud.mongodb.com/) | | Northflank | [https://status.northflank.com/](https://status.northflank.com/) | | Azure | [https://azure.status.microsoft/](https://azure.status.microsoft/) | | NS10BE | [https://ns.10be.de/en/status.html](https://ns.10be.de/en/status.html) |
------ ## Application crashed Not knowing if it's a permanent issue, first try to restart it... ```{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Heroku [Restart all dynos](/troubleshoot/heroku.md#restart-all-dynos) ::: :::{tab-item} Railway [Restart your web app](/troubleshoot/railway.md#restart-your-app) ::: :::{tab-item} Azure [Restart app](/troubleshoot/azure.md#restart-app) ::: :::{tab-item} Northflank [Restart](/troubleshoot/northflank.md#restart) ::: :::{tab-item} Fly.io [Restart your app](/troubleshoot/fly.io.md#restart-your-app) ::: :::{tab-item} Render [Restart service](/troubleshoot/render.md#restart-service) ::: ``` ----------- ## GitHub Follow [these](/troubleshoot/github) instructions. ## Heroku Search your issue [there](/troubleshoot/heroku). [There's nothing here, yet](heroku-nothing-here) can be due to billing issues. An [Application error](/troubleshoot/heroku.md#application-error) means Heroku crashed. Restart it and check database size. ## Atlas Issues during database creation look [there](/troubleshoot/atlas). The usual reason for failure at build time is a [bad connection string](/troubleshoot/atlas.md#bad-connection-string) (Atlas). If you encounter a [Boot Error - Unable to connect to Mongo](/troubleshoot/atlas.md#unable-to-connect-to-mongo) it might be due to a [Database Full](/troubleshoot/atlas.md#database-full) ## Railway Mind you [can't deploy Railway](/vendors/railway/new_user.md#step-1-fork-cgm-remote-monitor) if you just created a new GitHub account. [Nothing there](/troubleshoot/railway.md#nothing-here) is usually because you forgot to subscribe to a Developer plan. Else go [there](/troubleshoot/railway). ## Fly.io Fly.io troubleshooting is complex if you didn't save your `fly.toml` configuration. Check in your local clone of the `cgm-remote-monitor` project. If you can't find it, [recover it](recover-fly-toml) first. Try to redeploy your app. Once done, issues are most probably due to your `fly.toml` contents or variables.
------ ## Other issues ### Reports [Reports slow loading or timeout](/troubleshoot/atlas.md#reports-slow-loading-or-timeout) ### No data in Nightscout Check your [uploader](/uploader/setup) is configured correctly. Make sure your Nightscout [time zone](/nightscout/profile_editor/) is correct. If you use a [DIY closed loop](/nightscout/close_loop) system make sure it's setup correctly. ### Dexcom data not showing See [this dedicated page](/troubleshoot/dexcom_bridge/). ### Dexcom or CareLink data stopping after a while ```{hint} CareLink with mmconnect data source stopped functioning for 7xx pumps. **Remove the `mmconnect` plugin from `ENABLE`. ```
First verify you can see your BG in Clarity. If you're using Heroku, check the web app is not [sleeping](/troubleshoot/heroku.md#sleeping-app). You might need to setup an Uptime robot for Heroku Eco plan and Render. ```{admonition} UpTime Robot Using an uptime robot with a bad password, or other issues originating from Nightscout can lead to a locked account ([Dexcom](/troubleshoot/dexcom_bridge.md#account-lock)). ```
### Data timing issues #### Basal is shifted in time - Check the time zone is correct for your currently active profile in your Nightscout [`Profile editor`](/nightscout/profile_editor/).
#### Data in the future - Check you don't have data in the future with the `Admin tools`. Remove them if existing.
- If this isn't working, or shows no future data, check in your database (Atlas see [here](/troubleshoot/atlas.md#data-in-the-future))
#### Basal / IOB / COB missing after DST - Setup again your time zone in [profile editor](/nightscout/profile_editor/) (authenticate and save).
### Error code instead of a BG value Nightscout implements Dexcom error codes as listed below: | Code | Corresponding error | | ----- | --------------------- | | `?SN` | Sensor not active | | `?MD` | Minimal deviation | | `?NA` | No antenna | | `?NC` | Sensor not calibrated | | `?CD` | Counts deviation | | `?AD` | Absolute deviation | | `???` | Power deviation | | `?RF` | Bad RF |